VistaJet pledge comp flights for medics, repatriation

The company has extended its pledge of offering complimentary flights for those requiring repatriation, as well as health professionals seeking transport to regions in urgent need of medical assistance, to include XO owned aircraft, boosting Vista Global’s fleet to 115 aircraft at their disposal during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Vista Global Chairman, Thomas Flohr, has said in a statement: 

“In the past 48 hours since VistaJet’s announcement, we have received a very positive response from Governments and medical organizations so have therefore decided to expand this offer to our group fleet of 115 aircraft  throughout the world. We understand that people need help, especially in times of instability, and now in expanding the availability also to XO’s fleet, we are able to use our entire global network, infrastructure, expertise and technologies to help even more communities in need.”